District 125


 Year 2024 –   2025

Program Quality Director Sushil Pawar, DTM

Message from PQD Sushil Pawar, DTM

Dear Toastmasters,

Welcome to the PQD page. The theme of this year is Automation, underscoring our commitment to innovation and efficiency. By integrating automation tools and processes, we aim to save time, reduce administrative burdens, and allow members to focus on personal and professional growth. 

Key Initiatives by the PQD Team

  • Automation Initiatives: We have automation tools for planning a contest, generating contest certificates, submitting contest results, creating agenda and meeting certificates.  These tools free up time, enabling members to focus on honing their communication and leadership skills.
  • Training Programs: Empowering Leaders
    Programs like the Distinguished Officer Training Program (DOTP) and Toastmasters Leadership Training Program (TLTP) are designed to empower leaders. 
  • D125 Incubator Program: Technology Meets Toastmasters
    The D125 Incubator Program leverages Toastmasters’ infrastructure to foster individual technological development. It offers members a platform to explore innovative solutions, develop tools, and integrate technology into our organization. 
  • Roadmap to International Speech Contest (ISC) Participation
    The journey to the prestigious ISC begins here! Our roadmap provides structured guidance, resources, workshops, and mentorship opportunities to prepare members for success. 
  • Role Mentors and Speech Mentors: to help you ace the roles you take and speeches you give in your meetings.

Let’s work together to make this year impactful and innovative!

PQD Sushil Pawar, DTM

Dashboard – https://dashboards.toastmasters.org/Club.aspx?id=125

Educational Achievements – https://www.toastmasters.org/daily-reports

Select D125 and Educational Achievements to see awards filed in the district.

Select D125 and Triple Crown Awards to see Triple Crown Award winners in the district

Automation Tools

* ToastiCert125: Best of meeting certificates generator Https://forms.office.com/r/EdxhxYCLgV
* CertiCraft125: Contest role players and participants certificates generator Https://forms.office.com/r/Vu4UKXqnqA
* AgendaGenie125: Club meeting agenda generator Https://forms.office.com/r/uCk0W8NNCL