District 125

Seema Rani, DTM

District Director

“Before the pandemic era, when we were driving back from Mumbai to Pune, surely there was enough scenic view around to enjoy, however not everyone was enjoying it. As usual, there was traffic on the road and most cars behind the truck were moving slowly and were honking continuously (losing patience) with almost no luck.

       There was a huge truck ahead of us blocking the view of the road ahead. The driver was unable to understand if there was any way ahead from left or right or what lies ahead on the road for us. I was hoping that this is just temporary traffic. And that is exactly what happened, after a couple of minutes, we were able to overtake that truck and it was a smooth journey post that for almost an hour. My learning from this journey was, don’t get demotivated by hurdles, problems, or roadblocks in your Toastmaster journey this year. Our district is new, we may face challenges as we set our foundation and take one step at a time to build this new district. However, remember we just need some patience while any challenge faces us. Work on strategies to overcome these challenges. Because I know, there will be many milestones to enjoy ahead. And last but not least, don’t forget to appreciate each moment of your journey and focus on opportunities instead of problems around you.”

Well begun is half done; It has been a month since our newly formed District 125 and I would like to share the updates on the progress that our district has made towards achieving the goals set for this year.
      The core values of District 125 are TrustTransparency & Fun. While members thrive with excellence in this trusted & fun learning environment, the district leadership would want to ensure transparency in the district’s operations. Members of District 125 shall receive updates on a regular basis regarding the progress, important decisions, announcements, and upcoming events for our district.